Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine. In person and Remote.
In person treatments are available in Martha’s Clinton Hill (Brooklyn) office. Remote sessions continue to be available.
Custom Herb Prescriptions filled at Golden Cabinet Herbal Medicinary
Click here to schedule with Martha now.
Fluffer Butter
A 2 ounce jar of skin healing concentrate, fluffed into a smooth and easy to apply cream (that looks like whipped cream (hence its name). Originally, this healed the eczema condition of a family member, but we quickly discovered it makes a great everyday moisturizer. Made with three ingredients and no preservatives: Raw Unrefined Shea Butter, ExtraVirgin Olive Oil, Organic Raw Coconut Oil. Stable at room temperature in cooler climates. Store in your fridge at hotter climes to preserve its whipped texture.
$30 + 9 shipping
Gift Certificate
Gift some healing work to a friend or family member. I will send a handwritten gift certificate and note mailed to your person and address of choice.