
Classical Chinese Medicine is a tradition of chinese medicine that dates back to the Han Dynasty. Acupuncture, essential oil and herbal therapies, moxabustion, and dietary therapy are all modalities in this medicine.

Classical acupuncture, which employs the primary and complement channels, has applications for all ages and stages of life. Treatments are able to address an unlimited range of illness from acute to chronic, subtle to serious.

Martha has studied herbal medicine, essential oil therapy and early daoist medicine with Jeffrey Yuen, 88th Generation lineage-holder of the Jade Purity School, who was the first in his line to open up these teachings to many students around the world, breaking the one teacher-one student method of transmission. Martha has also studied the complement channels and dynamic and directional pulse taking with Ann Cecil-Sterman.

Appointments are scheduled for one hour in which the practitioner gives her undivided attention to the patient. Treatment and diagnosis are always customized and specific to the moment, through our dialogue and your pulses.

What does it mean for me to use this medicine?

To heal is to step into an increasingly more whole version of yourself, living out your chosen and destined path in life, with heart, grace and a greater capacity to grow, love, and offer your presence to the world.

This is medicine that can touch every aspect of your being. As one layer begins to heal, the rest of you comes into resonance like an instrument tuning itself. This is built into the architecture of the acupuncture channels, which are not only conduits of life force but are also the template through which we develop and grow from conception until death. These layers include the physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional bodies, and your connections to your environment (community, seasons, ecosystem), family, and to divinity.

As you have a chance to heal on any one of these levels you will find the many other levels of your being integrated and held in a new light.